Anti Bullying Week 2022 | Odd Socks Day

Quantum stands united against bullying!

This week (14th of November to 18th of November 2022) marks anti-bullying week, so on Monday some of employees of Quantum showed off their odd socks in support of the anti-bullying alliance campaign.

At Quantum, we strive to create a warm and welcoming environment for all, and bullying is not tolerated.

We also encourage our employees to reach out for help when needed with our dedicated HR director always looking out for everyone, and the online system we have for employees to reach out anonymously for a wide range of issues. Our employee’s well-being is of utmost importance, and that includes discouraging bullying.

That’s why this year, we wore odd socks to show our support in taking a stand against bullying.

Below are some resources from Anti-Bullying Alliance, a coalition of charity organisations standing united against bullying:




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